Nothing But Local

Not the atypical company.  
Committed on supporting and promoting local communities, businesses, and products. Beneficial in several ways, such as supporting the local economy, fostering a sense of community, and reducing environmental impact. By prioritizing local businesses and products, a community can keep more money within the local economy, employ more local people, create a sense of community pride and identity, and reduce the environmental impact associated with long-distance transportation. 

Use the link below to register your business, it's free and we'll post it on a search engine optimized directory and turns your Main Street into a virtual shopping Mall. You will receive the credentials to edit the content.  

About us


We work with local business groups and associations, remote and on location. We listen, we analyze, we create, we propose, we implement.
Pro bono for groups, fair fees based on results for single entities.
Our goal is to help revitalize our communities and our local businesses.
With 20-50 years of experience, our members have seen a lot.
We strongly feel today's social discord has been caused by thoughtless implementation of technologies and pure greed.


HookedOnLocal.com is the only trade association focused on building and growing the $10 Trillion U.S. Local economy powered by the 33.2 million local businesses.

HookedOnLocal re-invests 100% of all proceeds back into growing the Local marketplace for our members and the businesses they support.

HookedOnLocal is only business association in this space, we are relied on for our unbiased insights, education and commitment to local businesses.

Sponsor's Benefits

Reap big time benefits when you sponsor. When you sponsor with HookedOnLocal.com, you don't sponsor a 1 or 2 day event, you sponsor a full year of events in one or more communities. If you rely on locals for sales and revenue there is no better place for you to be on. Here is an example: let's say your sponsorship helps 100 local businesses, your business will be viable by every single consumer entering each of the 100 local establishments.

  • Landing Page for every sponsored community.
  • Continuous coverage for the entire term.
  • Speaking engagements to business associations  meetings.
  • Co-Branded White Papers.
  • Co-Branded Advertising 

Members Include Companies Like:

Here's is what happens when you "Buy Local"

Stay Local - Meet people, get friendly, walk and talk, make live beautiful again.  
More of your money will be kept in your local economy

For every $100 you spend at locally owned businesses, $68 will stay in the community. What happens when you spend that same $100 at a national chain? Only $43 stays in the community.*

You embrace what makes your community unique

You wouldn’t want your house to look like everyone else’s in the U.S. So why would you want your community to look that way? 

You create local jobs

Local businesses are better at creating higher-paying jobs for your neighbors. When you shop locally, you help create jobs for teachers, firemen, police officers, and many other essential professions. 

You help the environment

Buying from a locally owned business conserves energy and resources in the form of less fuel for transportation and less packaging. 

You nurture community

Local business owners know you, and you know them. Studies have shown that local businesses donate to community causes at more than twice the rate of chains. 

You conserve your tax dollars

Shopping in a local business district means less infrastructure, less maintenance, and more money available to beautify your community. Also, spending locally instead of online ensures that your sales taxes are reinvested where they belong— in your community!

You create more choices

Locally owned businesses pick the items and products they sell based on what they know you like and want. Local businesses carry a wid­er array of unique products because they buy for their own individual markets. 

You benefit from their expertise

You are their friends and neighbors, and locally owned businesses have a vested interest in knowing how to serve you. They’re passionate about what they do. Why not take advantage of it? 

You invest in entrepreneurship

Creativity and entrepreneurship are what the American economy is founded upon. Nurturing local business ensures a strong community. 

You make your community a destination

The more interesting and unique your community is, the more we will attract new neighbors, visitors, guests and customers. This benefits everyone! 

All can be achieved if we worked together

Believe it or not you are your own competition. You make it harder for yourselves 

Register your business

and we'll post it on search engine optimized directories. Your will be provided with credentials to edit anytime you whish. Use it as a landing page for your ads and promote your community as well. Click here to register.

Local Sponsors Wanted 

Reap big time benefits when you become a sponsor for HookedOnLocal.com programs. When you sponsor with HookedOnLocal.com, you don't sponsor a 1 or 2 day event, you sponsor a full year of events in one or more local communities. If you rely on locals for sales and revenue there is no better place for you to be on. Here is an example: let's say your sponsorship helps 100 local businesses, your business will be viable by every single  consumer entering each of the 100 local establishments.   

Some of our sponsors include 

What we do

We help local businesses connect, collaborate, and prosper against all odds because when it comes down to the end, the local community is the heartbeat of every country, without our communities all we have that we hold dear will be gone. Nothing else can help or substitute.

Stay Local

Project - Walk and Talk again

COVID has removed us from each other. We stay home in fear of contracting something, we only talk to our devices and make them do things for us. Families no longer communicate. People no longer communicate. Reason and negotiation are dirty. My opinion is better than yours, news is fake and no one can question anything. 

Bring locals together

Project - Stay Informed

StayInformed is a project we are working on, this project, if implemented will allows us to communicate maybe on a another level, stay up to date, question without fear, inform, it could replace existing services with more effective results all while generating new revenue for business, town governments, and people.  

Buy & Sell together 

Project - Buy, Sell, Barter, Auction

This actually initiated by one of our technology partners. The BuySell project is a simple app where you can conduct ecommerce transactions directly from your existing website, social media pages, community pages and more. Simply by adding a widget exactly where you want the app to appear. Every time you use it you get cash back.  

Advertise together

Project - Group Advertising 

You can continue with your SEO, Google & Facebook Ads, eMail/text marketing but, group advertising is seldom if ever used today. 
Group advertising is a method that has been in use for a thousand years or more and it worked, and it can still work, yet, no one does it, everyone locks themselves in they own little world and fear the worst. 

Build a more informing web

Project - Short Apps

We are working with a group of small technology companies on a series of short applications technical projects. Open for any technologist to contribute and make money. The concept is to add web apps to your website and supplement its functionality. These apps are designed to solve critical problems, for example,  "Why would you expect your visitors to come back to your website if it never changes." 

Use the web to make money 

Project - A website for everyone

Big web gave everyone a free page so they can make money by trashing us with ads and fake news, and at the same time we found ourselves with our hands cut off. We can only do what they allow us to do. They worry about their reputation but not about ours.
How about a website for everyone allow each to do what they want including safeguard their reputation and others. 

Our Sponsors - More are Welcome


A group of technologists and marketers. PraticaM groups design and build apps, websites, eCommerce, eMail and SMS marketing campaigns.    


eFoodiac.com provides low fixed cost online ordering and reservation services to restaurants, cafes, pizza, taco places and more.


Content warehouse and local landing pages. Website owners install widgets on their website and build it up with anytime editable  SEO content. 


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Request for support

HookedOnLocal.com offers pro-bono consulting services. 

Contact Us




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